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Tech sector calls for Minister for Digital Delivery

Technology Ireland, the Ibec group representing the tech sector, has called for the appointment of a Minister of State for Digital Delivery.

Based in the Department of an Taoiseach, the new role would have interdepartmental responsibility and would be tasked with overseeing digital policies and programmes.

It is contained in Technology Ireland’s Policy Priorities Roadmap for 2025.

Other recommendations include the creation of a ‘National Digital Strategy Action Plan’, addressing infrastructural capacity constraints, promoting long term investment in entrepreneurship, enhancing the R&D tax credit, and future proofing the sector by prioritising and funding digital literacy and skills.

The Programme for Government contains a pledge to “invest to make Ireland an EU centre of expertise for digital and data regulation”.

There is also a commitment to make Ireland “a regulatory hub for companies operating across the EU Digital Single Market”.

When it comes to online safety, the programme contains a commitment to tackle controversial recommender algorithms that push harmful content into the feeds of social media users.

It also pledges to examine ways to enforce age verification obligations on online service providers and hold them to account for failure to do so.

There is a promise to recognise the central role data centres play in contributing to economic growth, and a commitment to deliver a new National Cybersecurity Strategy in 2025.

“Ireland hosts a diverse ecosystem of indigenous and multinational technology companies, from innovative startups, to scaling ventures, to established enterprises and industry leaders, that contribute significantly to the Irish economy,” said Technology Ireland Director Una Fitzpatrick.

“Our policy priorities serve as a blueprint outlining the strategic measures that must be taken to sustain and enhance Ireland’s position as a global leader, particularly at a volatile time for the sector,” Ms Fitzpatrick said.

Technology Ireland has over 270 member companies including indigenous Irish firms and multinational tech giants.

“Collaboration among stakeholders will be essential to ensure the development of agile, evidence-based strategies that will secure a prosperous sector and truly unlock the future,” said Brendan Kiely, CEO ThinScale Technology and Technology Ireland Chair.

Article Source – Tech sector calls for Minister for Digital Delivery – RTE

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